Vous essayez de contacter : Mme BENTALEB Naoual

ID-IRC : 2314020830

Chercheur Photo

Spécialité : Médecine nucléaire

Centre National de l'Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires de Rabat

Domaine de Maîtrise :
Nouvelles Technologies, Ingénierie, Systèmes d’Information et IA

Domaine d’intérêt :

Nouvelles Technologies, Ingénierie, Systèmes d’Information et IA

Les publications :

Dr Naoual Bentaleb helds the degree of a Doctorate in pharmacy from the university Mohamed V of Rabat, Morocco; Radiopharmacy certificate from the National Institute of Nuclear sciences and techniques INSTN of Paris-France. More than 16 years of experience on radiopharmacy and development of radiopharmaceuticals. She is currently the radiopharmacist responsible (qualified person) and head division of radiopharmaceuticals production at National Centre for Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (CNESTEN)- Morocco. During her experience in CNESTEN, Dr Naoual Bentaleb conducted several projects and activities related to development, production, quality control, registration of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy of cancers and others diseases. She is the National counterpart of several national (MOR1012, MOR6026, MOR1014) and regional IAEA technical cooperation projects (RAF6049, RAF6054, RAF6058) in radiopharmacy field and she was designated recently (2023) as the Focal Point of Regional Designated Center of AFRICA in the field of Radiopharmacy - The African Agreement for Research, Development and Training "AFRA”. This experience has afforded her the opportunity to develop knowledge on strategies, guidelines and procedures of the IAEA and AFRA regional technical cooperation program. She is Member of Editorial board of EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry journal and reviewer ORCID ID: 0000000154033869 Scopus Author ID: 58038244000 Researcher ID: JKI-0362-2023