Vous essayez de contacter : Mr BELLARBI Larbi

ID-IRC : 2012020366

Chercheur Photo
Professeur d’enseignement supérieur

Spécialité : Génie électrique et génie électronique

École normale supérieure de l'enseignement technique de Rabat

Domaine de Maîtrise :
Nouvelles Technologies, Ingénierie, Systèmes d’Information et IA

Domaine d’intérêt :
Nouvelles Technologies - Ingénierie - Systèmes d’Information et IA

Les publications :
NB. Liste non exhaustive: Amal Afyf, Larbi Bellarbi, Fatima Riouch, Mohamed Adel Sennouni, and Nourdine Yaakoubi, “Flexible antennas for wearable technologies,” Recent Developments in Intelligent Communication Applications, IGI GLOBAL, 2017.DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1785-6.ch006. Amal Afyf, Larbi Bellarbi, Nourdine Yaakoubi, Etienne Gaviot, Lionel Camberlein,Mohamed Latrach, and Mohamed Adel Sennouni, “Wearable Antennas: Example: Breast cancer detection,” à paraître dans Handbook of Research on Wearable Computing Innovations and Applications, IGI GLOBAL, 2018. Amal Afyf, Larbi Bellarbi, NourdineYaakoubi, Etienne Gaviot, Lionel Camberlein,Mohamed Latrach, and Mohamed Adel Sennouni, “Novel Antenna Structure for Early Breast Cancer Detection,”Procedia Engineering Elsevier, pp.1334-1337, vol. 168,2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.365. Amal Afyf, Larbi Bellarbi, NourdineYaakoubi, Etienne Gaviot, Lionel Camberlein, Mohamed Latrach, and Mohamed Adel Sennouni, “Novel Antenna Structure for Early Breast Cancer Detection,” in EUROSENSORS XXX, (Budapest,Hungary),ELSEVIER,September 4-7 2016. Amal Afyf, Larbi Bellarbi, Anouar Achour, Nourdine Yaakoubi, Abdelhamid Errachid, and Mohamed Adel Sennouni, “UWB Thin Film Flexible Antenna for Microwave Thermography for Breast Cancer Detection,” in IEEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies ICEIT’2016, (Tangier,Morocco),May 4-7 2016, pp. 425–429. DOI: 10.1109/EITech.2016.7519635. Amal Afyf, Larbi Bellarbi, Abdelhamid Errachid, Nourdine Yaakoubi, Mohamed Latrach and Mohamed Adel Sennouni "Flexible Wearable Antenna for Body Centric Wireless Communication in ISM Band", Dec.22 2018, EECS 2018 Bern, Switzerland. Amal AFYF, Larbi BELLARBI, Mohamed Adel SENNOUNI & Nourdine Yaakoubi, “Enhanced RF Energy Harvester for Power Efficient Internet-of-Things Wireless Sensors”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), (Rabat, Morocco), 2018, ICMCS. Amal AFYF, Mohamed Adel SENNOUNI, Larbi BELLARBI1, Nourdin YAAKOUBI, Abdelhamid Errachid “RF Energy Harvester for Power Supply of Autonomous IoT Wireless Sensors at 5.8 Ghz”, The International wireless communications & mobile computing Conference (IWCMC 2019) will be held in Tangier, Morocco; June 24 — 28, 2019. Bri S., Bellarbi L., El Kadiri M., Habibi M., Mamouni A. ''Correlation microwave thermography: Synthetic antenna for temperature depth profile recognition'' Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, ANTEM - Conference Proceedings. Bri, S., Bellarbi, L., Habibi, M., ELKadiri, M., & Mamouni, A. Experimental evaluation of new thermal inversion approach in correlation microwave thermometry [tumour detection]. Electronics Letters, 36(5), 439-440. A. ELOUERGHI, L. BELLARBI, A. AFYF, “A Novel Miniaturized Circular UWB Patch Antenna : Referencing Study“, ICMCS’18, 10-12 May,2018.
