Vous essayez de contacter : Mr BELMOUDEN Ahmed

ID-IRC : 2001020263

Chercheur Photo
Professeur d’enseignement supérieur

Spécialité : Génétique

Faculté des sciences d'Agadir

Domaine de Maîtrise :
Biopathologie et Recherche Biomédicale

Domaine d’intérêt :
Épidémiologie et Santé Publique, Biopathologie et Recherche Biomédicale**

Les publications :
Je n'ai pas encore publié dans le domaine du cancer. Nous avons mis en place un projet de recherche sur le cancer gastrique avec deux doctorants : - Sujet 1 (2ème année) : Helicobacter pylori chez la population marocaine : Epidémiologie, sensibilité aux agents antibactériens et facteurs de virulence - Sujet 2 (1ère année) : Infection à Helicobacter pylori et cancers gastriques : Interactions hôte-pathogène Pour ma production scientifique antérieure, elle s'inscrit dans le cadre de la génétique moléculaire avec plusieurs publications (voir ci-dessous). 1- Toward Primary Congenital Glaucoma GLC3B Gene Identification: The Case of Kazrin Gene. Soumaya El Akil, Ahmed Belmouden (2019) IJSR 2019 Volume 8 Issue 1, 429-432 2- Genetic Heterogeneity in Moroccan Primary Congenital Glaucoma Patients. El Akil S, Melki R, Belmouden A. (2014) Life Sci J 2014;11(11):890-898 (ISSN:1097-8135). 3- The M98K variant of the OPTNEURIN (OPTN) gene modifies initial intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Melki R., Belmouden A., Akhayat O., Brézin A. and Garchon HJ. (2003) J Med Genet. 2003 Nov;40(11):842-4 4- MYOCILIN analysis by DHPLC in French POAG patients : increased prevalence of Q368X mutation. Melki R., Belmouden A., Brézin A. and Garchon HJ. (2003) Hum Mutat, Aug 2003; 22(2): 179-187 5- Mutational analysis of MYOCILIN gene mutations in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma in Morocco. Melki R, Idhajji A, Driouiche S, Idrissi Hassani M, Boukabboucha A, Akhayat O, Garchon HJ & Belmouden A. (2003) Ophthalmic Genet, Sep 2003; 24(3): 153-60. 6- A novel frameshift founder mutation in the cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) gene is associated with primary congenital glaucoma in Morocco. Belmouden A, Melki R, Hamdani M, Zaghloul K, Amraoui A, Nadifi S, Akhayat O, Garchon HJ. (2002) Clin Genet 62(4):334-9 7- X-ray studies of recombinant rat kidney long-chain hydroxy acid oxidase and the recombinant flavin-binding domain of baker’s yeast flavocytochrome b2. Cunane LM, Barton JD, Chen ZW, Mathews FS & Belmouden A, Lê KHD, Lederer F & Welsh FE, Chapman SK & Reid GA. (1999) in Flavins and Flavoproteins (S. Ghisla, P. Kroneck, P. Macheroux and H. Sund) Edts, Rudolf Weber, Berlin, pp.459-462. 8- Founder effect in GLC1A-linked familial open-angle glaucoma in Northern France. Brezin AP, Adam MF, Belmouden A, Lureau MA, Chaventre A, Copin B, Gomez L, De Dinechin S, Berkani M, Valtot F, Rouland JF, Dascotte JC, Bach JF, Garchon HJ (1998) Am. J. Med. Genet. 76, 438-445. 9- Recurrent mutations in a single exon encoding the evolutionarily conserved olfactomedin-homology domain of TIGR in familial open-angle glaucoma. MF. Adam, A. Belmouden, P Binisti, AP. Brézin, F. Valtot, A. Béchetoille, JC Dascotte, B. Copin, L. Gomez, A. Chaventré, JF. Bach and HJ. Garchon (1997) Hum. Mol. Genet. 6, 2091-2097. 10- Recombinational and physical mapping of the locus for primary open-angle glaucoma (GLC1A) on chromosome 1q23-q25. A. Belmouden, M.F. Adam, S. Dupont de Dinechin, A.P. Brézin, P. Rigault, I. Chumakov, J-F. Bach and H-J. Garchon (1997) Genomics 39, 348-358. 11- Genetic heterogeneity of primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension: linkage to GLC1A associated with an increased risk of severe glaucomatous optic neuropathy. AP. Brézin, A. Béchetoille, P. Hamard, F. Valtot, M. Berkani, A. Belmouden, MF. Adam, SD. de Dinechin, JF. Bach and HJ. Garchon (1997) J. Med. Genet. 34, 546-552. 12- Long-chain -hydroxy acid oxidase: Substitution of the active site Phe 23 with tyrosine. A. Filipe, A. Belmouden, J-M. lacombe and F. Lederer (1997) in Flavins and flavoproteins (K.J. Stevensen, V. Massey, C.H. Williams, Jr., Eds.). University of Calgary Press, pp. 559-562. 13- Age-dependent penetrance and mapping of the locus for juvenile and early-onset open-angle glaucoma on chromosome 1q (GLC1A) in a French family. A. Meyer, A. Béchetoille, F. Valtot , S. D. deDinechin, M.F. Adam, A. Belmouden, A.P. Brézin, L. Gomez, J-F. Bach and H-J.Garchon (1996) Hum. Genet. 98, 567-571. 14- Correlation between phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity in familial primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension. A. Brézin, A. Béchetoille, P. Hamard, F. Valtot, A. Belmouden, M. Adam, S. Dupont de Dinechin, J-F Bach and H-J Garchon (1996) Investigative Ophtalmology & Visual Science 37, S456. 15- The Chemical mechanism of flavoprotein-catalysed -hydroxy acid dehydrogenation: a mutational analysis. F. Lederer, A. Belmouden and M. Gondry (1996) Biochem. Soc. T. 24, 77-83. 16- On The role of a -barrel loop 4 extension in modulating the physical and functional properties of long-chain 2-hydroxy acid oxidase isozymes. A. Belmouden and F. Lederer (1996) Eur. J. Biochem. 238, 790-798. 17- High-level expression of rat kidney hydroxy acid oxidase in E. coli: purification and characterization of the recombinant protein. A. Belmouden and F. Lederer (1994) in Flavins and flavoproteins (Yagi, K., Ed) Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin . New York, pp 95-98. 18- Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding rat kidney long-chain L-2-hydroxy acid oxidase: Expression of the catalytically active recombinant protein as a chimaera. A. Belmouden, K. H. Diêp LE, F. Lederer and H-J. Garchon (1993) Eur. J. Biochem. 214, 17-25
